Quick Index

  Main Menu
  Setup Preferences
  Address Book
  Compose New Mail
  In Mail Box
  Out Mail Box
  Check for New Mail
  Create a Signature
  Setup Tags
  Setup Filters

Misc. Features   Localization
  Mail Queuing
  Safe Tips

Problems/Solutions   Problem/Solutions

Mail Queuing

You can use Air Mail as a offline reader. When you want to reply to a mail, simply type your response and save it in the Out Box. When you reconnect to your mail server and run Air Mail, Air Mail will ask you if you want to send all the queued mails now or later. If the "Surpress Requesters" is checked in the Misc Setup, AirMail will automatically send the queued mails without asking for confirmation.

Last Update Jan. 14, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.